"Anything worth doing is worth doing right."

Blog #6

If you look at all the great writers, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all constantly rewriting their drafts. First drafts, or at least my real first drafts are just a giant word vomit to get everything out. Normally I’m fine editing my own first drafts, but that’s only getting it to the point where it’s readable. Anne Lamott is right, the idea of someone reading your first draft is a sickening feeling. The last thing I need is someone thinking “damn this girl has no idea how to write.”

Revision Plan Strategy:
Goal: Make my essay’s flow more smoothly.
Steps: 1. Look through my third paragraph to find an area that I may be able to add a personal antidote.
2. Edit my ending sentence to better sum up and conclude the essay as a whole without it being too cookie cutter.
Biggest Challenge: Knowing if I actually achieved this goal.
What resources do you plan to use: My peer’s, by asking them if they could take a quick look over and see if I achieved this goal.


  1. elishaemerson

    “Constantly rewriting drafts” may sound intense, but it’s absolutely true. The drafts can seem to go around and around until they blend together and you stop counting.

    Keep up the good work, Teyha. I appreciated your input after class, today!

  2. ireis

    Having other people revise your essay is absolutely scary. Criticism is an awkward thing as well because you know that it can be necessary, but, at times, its hard to admit mistakes.

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