"Anything worth doing is worth doing right."

Blog #10

Naysayer Paragraph:

Science requires an incredible amount of discipline but, yet it still provides the same creative aspects as art. There is a reason why many schools haven’t incorporated S.T.E.A.M instead of S.T.E.M, that’s because S.T.E.M provides the same type of creative discipline as art. Yo-Yo Ma, while discussing the values of art describes the valued of integrating art into S.T.E.M as “Collaboration, flexible thinking, and disciplined imagination.” Yo-Yo Ma believes that the integration of art is the only thing that can bring this and truly balance out the strong black and white discipline of science, technology, engineering, and math fields. However, isn’t this exactly what S.T.E.M is? Collaboration, flexible thinking, and disciplined imagination. While S.T.E.M certainly seems quite rigid and black and white, it’s widely known and accepted as a forever evolving and changing creature. It’s widely understood that much of what we know in science is simply just a theory. We are taught to be flexible in our deductions because of all the incredibly intricate variables that exist in our natural world, there are no true concrete answers in science, only hypothesis’s and theories. In order to create hypothesis’s, we have to use our imagination in a disciplined way. What do we think will happen, what could happen? And decide which is more likely in the given situation, and then accept that it could be far from the truth. We also have to work with our teammates, work together to find the answers to large scale problems, share data, and share critiques. These disciplines are at the very core of what we learn to do as scientists, so there is no need for art to teach us the things that we already know and do so well.


  1. syake

    I like how you introduced your argument from the school’s perspective, then followed up with the naysayer.

  2. jlynch12

    I agree with you that it is not necessary to add art to the STEM program. After many many years of already working with STEM, I agree that we have adapted properly and learned to function without the presence of art so far, that it is irrelevant and not necessary to add art into the program now.

  3. dperreault1

    I really like your paragraph. I think it is very strong in arguing your point but I think that you should elaborate the opposing views a little more. I felt like your paragraph focused a lot on just your view rather than the other view. Having an equal balance of views but making yours stronger may help to persuade the readers even more. Other than that, you did a great job defending your opinion.

  4. sdupont2

    Great job! You gave lots of details to support your claims and did a very good job explaining your opinion about the topic.

  5. edupler

    Wow! You have a great naysayer paragraph! You integrate the ideas of Ma with your own contradictory ideas to create a strong paragraph!

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