"Anything worth doing is worth doing right."

Blog Post #1

Based on the passage “Is it OK to make art?” by Rhys Southan.

1st follow the thread:
In the article they discuss the Efficient Altruism’s concept of “replaceability.” To be quite frank replicability just doesn’t make much sense. Is it really important what the next person would do? They aren’t doing anything right now, you however did. The goal should be to do as much good as you possibly can, be responsible with your actions in every way. Doing something is considerably better than doing nothing at all. When you look at activism and charities, every person performs a vital role. There are dozens to even thousands of people pursuing the same goal as you. Things magnify and grow at different rates. That alternative world, where someone else got the job, doesn’t exist where you are now, your only focus should be doing the best that you can do. Besides who knows, the other person could have also done a worse job than you. The only thing to focus on is right here, right now, and doing the best you can do.
2nd follow the thread:
They talk about how art is practically a waste of time, it doesn’t produce any good. While some art does not produce anything to reduce world suffering, it is a tool that can bring attention to it. Art has the ability to create emotion and empathy towards a subject. In poems, songs, paintings, videos and other artistic media artists have utilized them to generate attention to issues going on in their communities and around the world. Their definition of art is base. Art is something that possesses the rare ability to speak to millions of people and convey a similar message on many various levels. The funny thing is they likely utilize unnoticed forms of art every day to convey their message. Speech is art. Writing, is art. The lists are endless of what can be considered art.

All things considered, I find they have good motives and commend them for that. However, why would you ever do something that you may even hate just for money that can then be donated when you can do the exact same thing with something that you love? There are other ways to make big impacts on the world that doesn’t include money donations. Life is short, so why not do what you love? Not everyone has the luxury to do what they do, and for them to think they are better than others for doing that and/or judge others for what paths they decide to take in opposition to money is vain. Who am I to criticize what they do with their life? No one, I applaud them for implementing just drastic steps to help better the world and I agree that people need to start doing more and taking more action to improve the world around them for everyone.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I adored your About Me page. Your gorgeously detailed descriptions transported me. I forgot I was reading an About Me page! Your English teacher was a wise individual! I am thrilled by your attitude toward the writing process. It has served you well! I continue to look forward to reading your beautiful prose as the class proceeds.

    I also really enjoyed reading your thoughts in the exercise above. Your responses are thoughtful and nuanced. Your sentences flow. This sentence, in particular, “Art is something that possesses the rare ability to speak to millions of people and convey a similar message on many various levels” contains so much. I suspect that you will be able to use some of this writing in your final paper. Keep up the amazing work.

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